In one hundred days, at the request of the pope's vice-legate, a 27 km wall was built to protect the comtadins from a terrible scourge: the plague introduced in Marseille (1720).

It is a wall 2 meters high and 0.6 m wide that small hands built under constraint (often "forced stains"), stone by stone and without any binder.

A border and a belvedere

t is a very singular monument that this historic wall built in 1721, 27 km long and forming the border between the Comté de Provence and the Comtat Venaissin.

Resurrected by the volunteers of the association Pierre Sèche en Vaucluse, the wall and its sentry boxes are, at an altitude of nearly 900 m, a magnificent observation point of the Vaucluse landscapes: the Vaucluse plateau, the Mont Ventoux.

Length: 3.5 km

Duration: 2 hours

Positive height difference: 130 m

Difficulty: easy

Danger: none