Venasque au printemps

    Known from earliest times as virtually an impregable fortress, sitting on top of its sheer-sided rock and dominating an ancient Roman road, Venasque is considered one of the most authentic villages of the Comtat Venaissin -to wich it gave its name.

    Venasque is a hilltop village overlooking the plains. With Saracen towers (and a beautiful esplanade in front of them), an old baptistry (dated from the 6th century and built on the site of a Roman temple), the church and the Crucifixion scene dating from 1498... Mystery and architectural beauty in its winding streets, pleasant to visit winter and summer alike.

    This reputation is not only due to its designation by the Historical Register but also because of municipal commitments made in 1967. These established control of all work on the exteriors of village buildings, including the restoration of ruins, so that their original character could be maintained.

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