Sortie Coucher et lever de soleil au Ventoux
Rencontre avec le martin pêcheur
zizanie forestière
Sortie Trail au Ventoux
affût castor
Expérience bivouac au Ventoux
Le monde de la nuit: randonnée nocturne à la découverte du ciel étoilé et de la faune nocturne
les petites bêtes de la rivière
le guêpier d'europe

    Mountain guides offer a wide range of activities for young and old. Come and discover our natural heritage and the particularities of its flora and fauna, walk, run or even sleep on one of our mountains.

    Forest Zizanie" is a nature-themed escape game set in the shade of trees. In the course of the game, you'll have to set off in search of the forest's animals, to discover the causes of this zizanie and restore calm to the forest. Sound effects, life-size animal figurines and many other surprises await you.

    - "The beaver: a twilight encounter" It's by the river, when the sun goes down, that we stand the best chance of spotting the beaver. After learning about the beaver's habits, we'll set out to observe a family of beavers in their natural environment.

    -Encounter with the kingfisher" In the shade of the trees, with your feet in the water, the aim of this naturalist outing is to observe the kingfisher along the Ouvèze. Come and discover this bird, whose shape and plumage color have enabled it to adapt to its environment.

    Le guêpier d'Europe, chasseur africain" (The European bee-eater, African hunter) is a short stroll through the Entrechaux safres, to discover one of the region's most beautiful birds.

    -Les petites bêtes de l'eau" is a family outing with feet in the water, in search of the insects that inhabit our rivers. Young and old alike will have the opportunity to search for, capture and observe all kinds of insects living along the water's edge. Your guide will explain how these animals live.

    - Trail initiation and improvement by a pro. Techniques, strategies, nutrition, training plan, mental preparation.

    - Sunrise and sunset from the Ventoux and the Dentelles de Montmirail: come and admire the sun dancing in the Provencal sky. For all ages and levels.

    - Bivouac experience: come and spend a night under the stars or in a tent in a mountain bivouac. Suitable for all levels.

    - The world of night: come and experience the world of night on a night hike open to all. Twilight is the perfect time to observe the living world, between dog and wolf. Nightfall will reveal the quality of the Provençal Baronnies night sky: it's time to read the constellations of the visible sky and observe celestial objects using simple instruments.

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