la foret enchantée
la foret enchantée
la foret enchantée
la foret enchantée
la foret enchantée
la foret enchantée
la foret enchantée
la foret enchantée
la foret enchantée
La Forêt Enchantée
La Forêt Enchantée
La Forêt Enchantée

    A shaded, open-air family leisure park in the forest, where you'll have a wonderful time as a family with children of all ages, who'll never tire of trying out the games again: zip-line, giant maze, climbing wall...

    Discover also the giant labyrinth, the accrorinth (acrobatic labyrinth), the mini-accrobranches, the climbing wall, a course for 3/6 year olds, zip lines, and a refreshment bar at the end of the course! Shaded course, supervised parking. Plus: a course for 3-6 year-olds, zip line, walking net, monkey bridges.

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